Coming soon on label AmaCreedO Records:


Cod-E &
Alma Riddell - Missing A Stranger EP
This album will be released on 1th June 2014

(CC) License Creative commons 4.0 Int.

Cod-E is known for his experiments in the music world, and we can hear from him almost all genres of electronic music, from hip-hop to ambient music through the DnB various experiments around dark music etc...
This time he got to cooperation with the 15 year old rapper-woman from Scotland which is called Alma Riddell, and this EP is a result of cooperation between these.
EP contains 6 unique tracks not only the rhythm of hip-hop where they are quite creative compositions of joint music projects Cod-E and Alma Riddell.

Here are their biography:


Alma is 15 years old and lives in a really boring part of Scotland which she attempts to liven up by writing rap and house music, cosplaying, speaking questionable German, and living the dream of being the most kawaii rapper in the UK.


Under the pseudonym Cod-E is hidden the 37 years old producer his named Felix. He has worked as a delivery driver and started making music again after he quit drinking. Soon after that, Fretnoiz records asked him for 2 tracks for FNR022 and he was very stunned. Motivated by ADZi, he started focusing on more work and founded Montfort records, because of the need of a hobby. After working on Korg synthesizers for about 2 years Felix decided to use Reason and it worked. While suffering with depression in a mental hospital, he made an album for his side project "Oni_pelted_by_beans".

Previous releases albums and compilations
are in section
RELEASES in the top menu.

AmaCreedO Records "11" in new age

AmaCreedO Records was established on 11.11. 2011 (the magic date 11.11.11) as the official sublabel MP3-label FretNoiz Records 98. This is again an independent label uniting electronic music producers of all possible musical genres from all over the world. Nothing is alien to us, and nothing is not against. AmaCreedO Records is a project as one that will carry the music that goes out in style at FretNoiz Records (other than drumandbass). As is known to FretNoiz Records from the beginning dealt mainly breakbeat, and later mainly drumandbass, and after adding the time, there are many other genres.

This we want to go back and clean again FretNoiz Records broken at the genres ...
The AmoCreedO Records would like to hear mostly amateurs and artists who are not in any way known for their activity in the commercial world. We are open to anything, but we gave space mainly novice artists from around the world.

AmoCreedO Records as well as his "father" FretNoiz Records 98 issued under the Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-SA ( ) is a strict and transparent license beneficial to both sides as an artist who works and provides for us as publishers. Everything on the issue AmaCreedO Records are always available for download on the Internet, never sell or in any way financially no need It. Only our official distribution is the Internet, and mostly our own site  and social networks like Tweeter, Facebook etc.. and music profiles to, Soundcloud etc.
All released be on between  issued under AmaCreedO Records, "11" which is (will be) operational from 1 January 2012.

This page AmaCreedO Records, will be updated continuously during each planned release in our label or issue, or the relevant information for all artists or ours listeners.

AmaCreedO Records vznikl dne 11.11.2011 jako oficiální sublabel MP3 labelu FretNoiz Recordings 98. Jedná se opět o nezávislý label elektronické hudby sdružující hudební producenty všech možných žánrů ze všech koutů světa. Nic mu není cizý a ničemu se nebrání. AmaCreedO Records je v podstatě projekt jako takový, který bude nést hudbu, která se nevyjde stylově na FretNoiz Records (jiná nežli drumandbass). Jak je známo tak FretNoiz Records se z počátku zabýval převážně breakbeatem a později hlavně drumandbassem, a až po čase se tam přidávalo mnoho dalších žánrů.
Toto bychom chtěli vrátit zpět, a FretNoiz Records očistit opět na zlámané žánry...

Na AmoCreedO Records bychom rádi slyšeli hlavně amatéry a umělce kteří nejsou nikterak známí svou aktivitou v komerčním světě. Nebráníme se ničemu, ale přesto bychom dali prostor hlavně začínajícím umělcům z celého světa.

AmoCreedO Records stejně tak jako jeho "otec" FretNoiz Records 98 vydává pod licencemi Creative Commons 4.0 ( tedy striktní a transparentní license výhodná pro oboje strany jak umělce který skladby poskytuje tak pro nás jako vydavatele. Vše co se na AmaCreedO Records vydá je vždy volně ke stažení na internetu, nikdy nic neprodáváme ani nikterak finančně nevyvažujem. Jedinou naší ofociální distribucí je Internet a to převážně naše vlastní stránky a dále sociální sítě jako Tweeter, Facebook atp. nebo hudební profily na, Soundclouds atp. Vše ja také zapsáno mezi vydané na pod AmaCreedO Records "11" která je (bude) funkční od 1.1.2012.

Tato stránka AmaCreedO Records bude aktualizovaná vždy průběžně při plánovaném vydání u nás na labelu nebo při vydávání aleb či EP, anebo při důležitých informacích pro všechny.